The Heroes’ Return!!!

Hey everybody,

This is Dre with a quick update on “The Turbo/Dance Geek Alliance” over in Italia, baby! That’s right, these two represented the UK at the Juste Debout preliminary rounds and came second overall, in the qualifying rounds to see which duo will proceed to the finals; which, is held in none other than Paris, France! Just so you know, these two have made history on this incredible feat alone! This has never been done before by any UK duo! So this, is an amazing achievement in itself – despite not making the finals in France. We could all learn from these two!

“These two brought back the swagger to New-Style Hip-Hop”, “Wow”  “I wanna have your babies!”

Ok, so maybe not the last quote (lol), but the first two were among many of the positive comments made by the: Spectators, Judges, Competitors and also the Host/Organiser.

Here, is a sneak preview on their journey of “Smokeage” and “Destruction” as they individually dismantle those who stand in their way on the dance floor.

One team – One prize.

Preselection Round.

Round 1. (Incomplete Footage)

Round 2.


This is Dre. Peace.

DanceGeek & Turbo en Italia!!!

Hey, this is Dre once again, ready to hit you up with yet again – more info. A lil birdie has just informed me that, two dancers that we all know pretty well, are going to represent the UK at the Juste Debout preliminary round – held in none other than Italy – THIS WEEKEND!!!

That’s right, Kashmir Leese aka The UK Freestyle champion *breathe* aka DanceGeek is teaming up with Issac Emmanuel Baptiste aka Dancer Extraordinaire *breathe* aka Turbo to take on the world!!!

For those who don’t know what exactly Juste Debout is – you’ve come to the right place. Juste Debout meaning – “just upright” is an annual dance competition held in France; which, focuses on upright street styles. The four main categories are: New Style Hip-Hop, House, Locking and Popping.

The main events of Juste Debout consists of two on two battles in which two dancers work as a team trying to outperform the opposite couple in a specific dance style category.

A battle finishes when each dancer has performed two times, resulting in a total of eight rounds, usually around a minute long each. Sometimes, a team chooses to spontaneously replace or extend one of their rounds with a routine performed together for added effect, which is allowed. After each battle, a group of four judges decides the winning team, which moves them closer to the finals. In the end, a winning couple is chosen for each of the four dance style categories.

Outside of battles, the Juste Debout events often include a number of shows from both the judges and invited guests, as well as dance parties that are open for all to join.

So there you have it. The whole of Birmingham have got ya backs, mayn! UK let’s show our support for these two!

This is Dre. Peace.